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Follow A Summer Maintenance Checklist

AC Maintenance in Sussex County, NJSummertime is full of sunshine and warm temperatures, but that can lead to high electricity bills. If you follow a maintenance plan for your electrical system, though, you can end up saving a lot of money and make sure that things are operating efficiently at home.

Follow some of these tips from the experts at Wilson Services to get the most out of your power usage during the summer months!

  • Set Up a Smart Thermostat

Installing a smart thermostat may help to keep your energy costs lower. These allow you to change and control the temperature inside remotely from your phone, as well as track your daily energy usage.

Ceiling fans can save you a lot of money by allowing you to stay cool without using the air conditioner. In order to make the most of your ceiling fans, make sure they are working well so you can use them to the fullest potential.

  • Get a Generator To Protect From Storms

Summer months can come with stormy weather, which can lead to power outages. Make sure that you stay connected to energy with a generator. We can install one at your Sussex County property to keep you prepared.

Summer Maintenance For Your Sussex County Property

Make sure to prepare your home and the electrical system for the warmer upcoming summer months. The team at Wilson Services is happy to help if you have any questions or want to have an expert come out and assist! Call us now and we can make sure your systems work well all summer for you in Sussex County.